Homework due on Wednesday, October 12

Homework due on Wednesday, October 12, at 13:00

Please read "The Squam Lake Report: Fixing the Financial System":


either the whole text or a substantial portion of it. Alternatively, you may listen to an audio version of it


which you can get for free with a trial version of an Audible.com subscription. Then pick one or more recommendations from this report and write your opinion on it. Is the recommendation reasonable, or does it have hidden flaws? Is it suitable only for the US, or could other countries benefit from it as well? Are the authors of the Squam Lake Report missing more important economic issues, for example issues playing a large role in other countries? Your text should be about three pages long, but the content is more important than the length itself.

Upload instructions: Please submit your homework in the PDF format by uploading it below. The filename should be HW20161012YourName.pdf, with "YourName" replaced appropriately. If you are logged in, you can make an upload by placing your mouse on top of the bottom left corner of this text field, clicking the plus sign that appears, and then on the second sheet (reachable by clicking the second dot in the top right corner) of the "ADD CONTENT" menu selecting "File". Please edit the text of the link so that your full name is visible. You can change the text of the slink simply by clicking on it and typing. When you are done, click the "PUBLISH" button at the top of the screen on the right. If you have trouble, please send me the file by email instead.

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Consequatur vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur at vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti.

2016 Michal Fabinger
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